Yoga in Zug
Yoga Private Lessons
We practice at your home or in my premises at Chamerstrasse 42 in Hünenberg/Zug.
The yoga exercises will be customized according your body, your potential and your goals.
You can choose from a trial lesson, subscriptions or packages.
Your yoga lesson lasts 60 minutes. Before and after, I take time for your questions & will be happy to advise you.
Yoga Private Lessons Subscriptions
10 and 20 subscriptions
The price includes a personal yoga training schedule/videos, energy work, coaching & support.
Installment payments possible
+41 78 839 23 38 |

"While practicing yoga, I feel more vital,
no thoughts and time stands still,
I feel peace and serenity".
Susanne Marbach Yoga & ThetaHealing Zug
Yoga Privatlektionen Packages

"Feeling Great"
3 months with yoga & relaxation exercises, energy and healing work,
premium vital substances
Goals that you can achieve:
general well-being
more energy
faster regeneration
strengthen your immune system
stress reduction
inner peace and balance
letting go
better body feeling
activating and strengthening the muscles
improving flexibility
The following services are included in the price:
3 months, 1x per week yoga personal training
(12 lessons of 60 minutes each) -
Energy and healing work during yoga lesson
Premium vital substances for 3 months
Yoga Nidra deep relaxation audio file
Personal Yoga Training Plan & Videos for Self-Practice
Advice & Support
Price complete package CHF 3'160.
Installment payments are possible.

"Personal Transformation"
6 months with yoga & relaxation exercises, energy and healing work and
premium vital substances
Goals that you achieve:
significantly better well-being
more energy
faster regeneration
strengthen your immune system
stress reduction
inner peace and balance
healing on all levels (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual)
activating & strengthening the muscles
improving flexibility
better body awareness
transformation & expansion of consciousness
letting go of blockages
The following services are included in the price:
6 months, 1x per week yoga personal training
(24 lessons of 60 minutes each) -
Energy and healing work during the yoga lesson
6 ThetaHealing sessions of 90 minutes each
Premium vital substances for 6 months
Yoga Nidra deep relaxation audio file
Personal Yoga Training Plan & Videos for Self-Practice
Advice & Support
Price complete package CHF 7'798
Installment payments are possible.

"Weight Loss"
The following services are available:
Body radiofrequency treatment in the high-performance
range 1-80 Mhz (45 minutes, in clothes) -
mechanical lymphatic drainage (30 minutes)
Yoga Personal Training (lesson of 60 minutes)
ThetaHealing sessions (60 minutes)
Premium vital substances
Metabolic activation program
Advice & support
I would be happy to provide you with a solution based on your initial situation and your wishes.

Package "Burnout"
The following services are available:
Body radiofrequency treatment in the high-performance
range 1-80 MHz (45 minutes, in clothes) -
Mechanical lymphatic drainage (30 - 45 minutes)
Yoga Personal Training (lesson of 60 minutes)
Energy and healing work during the yoga lesson
ThetaHealing sessions (60 minutes each)
Premium vital substances
Yoga Nidra deep relaxation audio file
Personal yoga training plan & videos
Advice & support
I would be happy to provide you with a solution based on your initial situation and your wishes.
Yoga in Zug
Yoga in Kleingruppen
Mittwochs ab 1. März 2025
8.30 - 9.30 Uhr / 18 - 19 Uhr
Wir praktizieren in Gruppen von max. 6 Teilnehmern in meinen Räumlichkeiten an der Chamerstrasse 42 in Hünenberg/Zug.
Der Fokus dieser Yogastunde liegt in der Entschleunigung und Heilung. Wir praktizieren einfache Yogaübungen in einem mit Kerzenlicht und Heilsteinen beleuchteten Raum. Auf körperlicher und emotionaler Ebene ein tiefes inneres Loslassen und regenerieren.
Am Ende geniesst du eine längere Tiefenentspannung, welche dich körperlich und geistig vollkommen entspannt. Während du in der Savasana Position verweilst, übermittle ich dir Heilenergien, wenn du magst.
Keine Yogakenntnisse nötig. In dieser Yogastunde ist Jedermann/-frau herzlich willkommen! Yoga Anfänger erlernen die Asanas und werden sicher und kompetent eingeführt. Die gesamte Yogastunde enthält viel Heilpotenzial.
Gruppe mit max. 6 Teilnehmern und mir.
Anmeldung über
10 er Abonnement CHF 290 (12 Wochen gültig).

You bring that with you
What are the conditions to achieve the goals in the packages?
Being motivated, disciplined and fully willing to practice daily.
You practice the 60-minute yoga lesson with me 1x per week. Further yoga practice on your own with the help of my training plan/videos is desired.
You are willing to do 6 Thetahealing sessions of 90 minutes with me (only package "Empower Yourself").
You are taking in daily the premium supplements and allow yourself 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation, no movements) from your smartphone.
In order to reach your goals and also feel these positive effects, your cooperation is of utmost importance.
If necessary, I will be happy to advise and support you also outside our time together via whatsapp or phone.
It is in your hands to change something positive in you.
I promise you, you will not regret it.
I stand with my name behind my offer and live it myself for many years. I know exactly, what it means and how you can achieve it. I show you how, support you but you have to DO it yourself.
As they say "no pain, no gain" or "it all starts within us".
Yoga Nidra
Who wouldn't want motivated, relaxed and satisfied employees and colleagues?
My suggestion, book me as a speaker for a
Yoga Nidra workshop for your employees

"“I attended Susanne's Yoga Nidra workshop 10 days ago and I can say with conviction that I wouldn't want to miss this experience. In the meantime, Yoga Nidra has already become a fixed part of my everyday life and I can already tell after this short time that it is doing me a lot of good - dear Susanne - thank you very much!” (Andreas L.)
Calmness - mental peace - blissful relaxation - releasing blockages - catching up on sleep - general well-being, to name just a few of the positive properties of Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation technique. It is practiced lying down and I guide you through different phases of deep relaxation that renew you physically, emotionally and mentally.
In this workshop you will learn the most important facts about Yoga Nidra (the pearl of deep relaxation), including a 30-minute session.
I will provide valuable background information. Included is a summary (pdf document) & an audio file so that it can be integrated into everyone's daily life.
This workshop can take place in the company or externally. A soft surface (mat) is required and there should be space to lie down. Participants can take part in everyday clothing. There will be no physical activity.
Duration 90 minutes
Price: on request

Golden Age - Ascension of Planet Earth & Humanity
from 3D to 5D - Expansion of Consciousness -
Matrix Dissolution
Do you also feel that something is changing on earth, that everything is changing?
My suggestion, book me as a speaker for an
Exchange about the current time quality &
the entry into the Golden Age
Incoming light codes from the primordial source of all being increase the vibrational frequency on earth. Everything that does not vibrate in higher levels of consciousness no longer exists and collapses. (See also Scale of Consciousness according to Dr. Hawkings).
The new energy that is increasingly taking hold on earth is doing something to us. It expands our consciousness and we adapt to these higher energies, both physically and mentally/spiritually. We are experiencing the light body process; our physical bodies are changing and becoming more crystalline and refined. What does that mean? Everything that has not yet healed within us is flushed into our daily consciousness by these high cosmic energies and by third parties and external events. This can be very emotionally challenging and painful, but at the same time a great blessing if you deal with it and resolve these unredeemed shadow parts within you. This is possible with various tools such as ThetaHealing.
The aim is for people to become aware of themselves again. To become aware that they are a divine being and have incarnated in a physical body with a purpose here on earth.
Each person undergoes this transformation in their own way and it brings about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes.
I have the choice at any time whether I stay in the low vibrational energies and lull around in anger, fear, resentment, greed, sorrow, shame, guilt, victimization, etc. or do I take the helm and free myself from everything that keeps me small and prevents me from living what my heart burns for and what I came for?
It is undeniable that this liberation, this process, can be painful. I am happy to tell you how you can deal with it, which tools can serve you, based on my own experiences.
So that you too can enjoy your life in higher levels of consciousness such as joy, unconditional love, peace, acceptance, neutrality, truth, courage, etc.
Because this is your birthright to lead a healthy and happy life!
Feedback of a client:
“A thousand thanks from the bottom of my heart Susanne
for today's session, I have both feet firmly on the ground again!
Like a rock in the surf! “ (Rosemarie B., 70)
The most frequently asked questions about yoga